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6 Career Networking Tips for Millennials
6 Career Networking Tips for Millennials 6 Career Networking Tips for Millennials Does organizing sound constrained and unnatural? Per...
Saturday, December 28, 2019
12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse
12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse12 Little Work Wins to CelebrateYou might be angling for a promotion this year. Or, awaiting news of a big, fat raise (champagnes on ice). Perhaps youre working toward an end-of-year bonus. Or, maybe youre really wishing the CEO will grant your request to attend that conference alongside her. These are all terrific endeavors, and you should work toward big goals, but its elend just the major work wins you should be pumped about- the many small milestones that occur in a given week or month are worth celebrating, too. These are also the things that can help lead to the bigger stuff. So, dont wait for your title to change or for your anfhrer to hand over a VIP account. Start recognizing the important work youre doing every day.Not sure where to start? Ahead, 12 career coaches on the little work wins thatre worth your attention. 1. Receiving PraiseWhen your client or colleague praises you for a job well done, its important to note. Save emails or jot down positive feedback said aloud. Use your list to reflect on in the future when its time to ask for a raise, or in your next interview when youre asked about your strengths.Emily Liou2. Meeting 30-Day GoalsAt the beginning of each month or quarter, I like to suggest clients devise a mini-challenge for themselves. One that they can get enthusiastic about is a 30-day sprint to complete a stretch assignment, such as learning a new skill like coding, or growing their network by sending one cold email to a new contact. Time-bounding professional-development goals leverage the power of small wins by making them concrete and measurable, and they also make it natural to appreciate your progress and celebrate. Melody Wilding3. Speaking UpWhether its to make a decision, ask a question, or contribute your area of knowledge to a conversation, speaking up is a valuable opportunity to be heard, and, as such, it should be recognized.Avery leer4. Being Asked for AdviceDid one of your colle agues specifically reach out for your take on something? They value your opinion Thats a big deal, even though I get that it may not necessarily feel that way in the moment. Remind yourself that they chose you, which speaks volumes about how youre viewed and how your contributions are impactful.Kelly Poulson5. Getting GratitudeReceiving positive feedback from clients or co-workers is always something to celebrate. When you get a thank you email, star it or label it so you can come back to it in a low moment and remember why you do what you do, even if the major accomplishment is one youre still waiting for.Melody Godfred6. Demonstrating EQIts a win any time you find a creative solution instead of giving in to a conflict with a co-worker. Arguing, butting heads, struggling with who gets the final say- ansicht practices are pointless, not to mention energy-sucking. Pat yourself on the back when you reach for emotional intelligence as a response.Alexandra Dickinson7. Hacking Productivi tyGiven how easy it is to get distracted and lose focus, if you discover a new productivity technique (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant) that results in increased concentration and self-discipline, its worth recording as a small win.Yuri Kruman8. Being AssertiveAsserting yourself, especially when its not a muscle you normally flex, is absolutely a cause for celebration. I personally jot these moments into a journal when they happen so that I can see my progress, and, more often than not, I do it while treating myself to a cupcake. Forming new habits is hard enough- it makes sense to recognize achievements with a sweet, little reward. Erica Breuer9. Presenting to OthersPresenting to your team (even if its just a couple of people) can be nerve-wracking, especially if its your first time. But the feeling afterward is awesome Its like a giant weight lifted off your shoulders after all that planning, preparation, and, finally, execution.Ryan Kahn10. Tackling a Tough TaskCro ssing off a challenging or unpleasant item on your to-do list feels pretty spectacular. I learned a long time ago that if you tackle your most dreaded tasks before anything else, youll sail through the rest of the day.Kristina Leonardi11. Feeling EnergizedMany report dreading going into work in the morning. All day they look forward to dashing out the door at 5 or 6 PM. Seriously, if this doesnt describe you, its cause to rejoice. You spend 40 or more hours a week at work- relish it if youre not miserable.Annie Nogg12. Helping OthersDid you support a colleague in getting her project off the ground? Did you provide some much-needed answers to a customer? What about contributing to the success of a larger project by giving your boss the requested data? When we step outside of ourselves and recognize how lending a hand can have a meaningful impact, we win. Loren MargolisWhat small milestones did you hit this week? Tweet me at stacespeaks- I want to celebrate with you Use the hashtag sm allwins
Monday, December 23, 2019
What to do when you dont want to give a LinkedIn recommendation
What to do when you dont want to give a LinkedIn recommendationWhat to do when you dont want to give a LinkedIn recommendationIn addition to keeping you connected to previous - and possibly future - co-workers and employers and providing a one-stop shop for recruiters interested in learning more about your career path, social media networking giant LinkedIn is also an important place to amass recommendations from those who have firsthand knowledge of your work - or for giving glowing reviews of those youve worked with.But when a former co-worker, manager or direct-report approaches you for a recommendation and you were less than enthusiastic about their work performance, it can feel like a sticky situation.LinkedIn recommendations add credibility to your LinkedIn profile. They are important because those who view your profile are able to read these recommendations to get a better feel of your work style and overall performance, Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph.D., industrial-organizational ps ychology practitioner and workplace expert says.Since your name and profile are associated with that recommendation, you should make sure that you truly know the individual and can vouch for his/her work product. After all, someone may hire that person based on your recommendation.Heres how to know when its the right move to politely and professionally decline the invite to recommend someone - and how to excuse yourself without causing offenseIf you dont remember their name, say noWhen you first started your career, do you remember the IT manager who set up your laptop and your workspace for you? Or, when you made the move to a larger company, what about the assistant to the assistant of your executive manager? While its true that all roles are important parts that keep the company oiled and running, its tough to give an accurate assessment on someones ability to perform a job is you dont recall working with him or her.You might be tempted to completely ignore the ask, but Hakim sa ys this is a situation when being direct and clear will be in your best favor. You dont want to create a back-and-forth conversation where theyre filling up your inbox with repeated requests for a review, but you do want to encourage them to seek out another colleague or boss who can help them out.To get out of giving a recommendation for this reason, say something like, Thanks for asking me to write a recommendation I remember working together a few years back, but I think that someone who worked with you more recently is better suited to provide feedback on your performance. Sorry I cant be of more help, Hakim says.If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at allThe words of wisdom your grandmother (and her grandmother) may have bestowed upon you as a child transcend generations for a reason. Though granny likely aimed to keep you out of the tangled-circle of gossip in social groups that never leads to anything positive, the same rule of thumb applies when considering recom mending someone you currently work with or used to. Since its support theyre seeking and not critique, a public-facing Linkedin post thatll live on their profile isnt the place for negativity. You can use this as an opportunity to explain in a private message why you wont be writing them your sanction of approval, but make sure to finish on a somewhat encouraging note, since it might be tough for them to digest if they were expecting your blessing. Hakim suggesting ending with, Im probably not the best choice here as Im not comfortable writing a recommendation. Best of luck, and sorry that I cant be of more helpRemember, it isnt required, even if you laid someone offWe all have those could-have-been great stories about our careers. Maybe an applicant impressed you during their interview process, only to quickly fall short of your expectations once they were hired. Or, you came into a new team to manage and while you enjoyed their personalities, their professional skills werent up to the level you needed to meet your goals, and you had to make tough decisions. When layoffs or firings happen, its tempting to throw in the Im happy to recommend you line to soften the blow. But think about whether youd actually have something to say for that person thats truthful, honest or helpful.It is not your obligation to write anyone a recommendation, whether on LinkedIn or elsewhere, Hakim says. Even if you feel guilty or uneasy about having to part ways and leave someone unemployed, in the long run, your ability to explain what isnt working will motivate them to work harder and differently for their next employer.Dont give in to peer pressureOne of the main issues you probably have with resisting the urge to give a recommendation you dont want to give is due to pressure. The request is there, in your inbox, urging you to take just a moment to help a pal out. But if theres any reason you dont want to list out accomplishments for a person you cant vouch for, its better to dec line than to simply write for the sake of not looking rude.Say something polite yet direct and to-the-point like, Im sorry, but I wont be able to help you with that. Best of luck with your search Sorry that I cant be of more help, Hakim suggests. Know that some may feel offended if you do not accept their request to write a recommendation. But, you have that choice, and should never feel pressured to do so.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Medical Standards for the Military
Medical Standards for the MilitaryMedical Standards for the MilitaryThe military does not allow people with certain medical conditions to join the ranks for many reasons, but it mainly stems from caring for the safety of all service members. Often in military service, those with special needs are unable to get the care or treatment they need while in the field, which can be dangerous not only for the ailing service member but the entire troop. Many deployments with no access to medical facilities occur, especially within the Navy but also on certain bases in the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force. Without proper access to their treatments, those with mental or physical disabilities may be rendered incapable of doing their jobs while deployed, making them all but a burden on the armed services. Where to Find Out About Disqualifying Conditions The information in this article comes fromArmy Regulation DOD 6130.03, DODD6130.3 and DODI6130.4, which provide complete information on all t he medical fitness standards for induction, enlistment, appointment, retention, and related policies and procedures in the U.S. Armed Forces. All disqualifying medical issues are determined by the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), whichdirects the use of Army Regulation 40-501, Chapter 2 for medical qualifications for all branches of the Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard). The Reason for Medical Standards The purpose of DOD medical standards is to ensure that medically qualified personnel who are accepted into the U.S. Armed Forces are properly evaluated for duty before and during enlistment so as to ensure the safety of the individual as well as other troop members. These rules outline that military personnel must be free of contagious diseases that would likely endanger the health of others of medical conditions or physical defects that would require excessive time away from active duty for treatment or hospitalization or would result in separation from the Ar med Forces for medical unfitness medically capable of satisfactorily completing training medically adaptable to different environments without necessity of geographical area limits and medically capable of performing duties without causing further harm to existing defects or medical conditions. A recruit who fails to meet any of these requirements would be deemed medically unfit for service in the U.S. Armed Forces, though the specific regulations for just how mentally or physically disabled a service member can be and still enlist are constantly evolving. Disqualifying Medical Conditions Since the protocol for what medical conditions disqualify service members from enlisting constantly changes, its important to stay up to date with military policy regarding medical standards for service. The main medical or physical defects that can disqualify a recruit or service member from the Army are as follows. If you have any of the following conditions or defects, check specific require ments for medical standards before you enlist. Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal SystemBlood and BloodForming Tissue DiseasesBody Build DeficiencyAdvanced Dental DiseasesEars and Hearing LossEndocrine and Metabolic DisordersLoss of Function in Upper ExtremitiesLoss of Function in Lower ExtremitiesMiscellaneous Conditions of the ExtremitiesMental Health IssuesEyes and geistesbild LossGeneral and Miscellaneous Conditions and DefectsGenitalia and Reproductive Organs Diseases and DefectsHead Trauma or DefectsHeart and Vascular System DefectsHeight and Weight Deficiencies Lungs, Chest Wall, Pleura, and Mediastinum DefectsMouth DiseaseChronic Neck Pain or ImmobilityNeurological DisordersNose, Sinuses, and Larynx DefectsSkin and Cellular Tissue DefectsSpine and Sacroiliac Joint DefectsSystemic DiseasesTumors and Malignant DiseasesUrinary System Disorders
Friday, December 13, 2019
Plan Your Career or Follow Your Gut
Plan Your Career or Follow Your GutPlan Your Career or Follow Your GutDo people with five- and 10-year plans find more career success? Are they happier?I recently spoke to Nancy, a mid-level executive in an energy company. She complained that she never had a big goal toward which she was working, no five- or 10-year plan.She decided to accept or decline each opportunity as it arose. When it came to job interviews and wertzuwachs reviews, she was unable to answer the question Wherbeie do you see yourself in five or ten years? She said she felt flawed in some way.I could relate. I spent a good portion of my adult life thinking that I was screwed up in some huge way because I didnt have long-term goals and made my career decisions based on what opportunities arose. It wasnt until my 40s that I decided my way of doing it was as good as any other because those with plans seemed no happier or more successful than I. In fact, when their plans dont work out, the planners often seem more bitt er or resentful than those who never plan.Not having a long-term plan didnt seem to have hurt Nancy, either. Shed just earned a big promotion at her company while colleagues all around her were being laid off. The only thing wrong with Nancy that I could perceive was her belief that there was something wrong. I tried to reassure her that there was nothing intrinsically better about having a five- or 10-year plan, despite all the reams of paper in books and magazines compelling us to create one.Then I came upon a relevant piece of research in the book Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee Theres no right way to plan for the future research has shown that its a very personal process. When people do try to follow a prescribed model, their learning plans usually get relegated to the bottom drawer. One size doesnt fit all when it comes to formulating a useful agenda for your future.It turns out that we make decisions best using our particular core talents . If you typically employ procedural, step-by-step thinking, for instance, then it is very useful to make a plan with specific, measurable goals and make decisions using a list of pros and cons. But if you are strong in relational thinking - concerned with people and values - its easiest to navigate using relationships and values as your guide. Those with innovative core talents prefer focusing on short-term accomplishments and the freedom that comes with making it up as they go along. If you have strong visionary talents, a compelling picture of the future can help draw you toward it.Uncovering your patternThe trick is to discover your most effective way and then use that. One way to begin is to look for the pattern in the choice points in your life. This practice is adapted from psychologist Ira Progoff. Look back at some of your major decisions. Did you follow a preordained plan, or did you make a decision based on the facts? Do you follow a particular process? Is there a diffe rence in how you made the decisions you are happy with in retrospect and those you are not? When I look at mine, I see that I always choose in the moment based on a relationship or my values (including my value of living somewhere warm). No overt plan for me That means I tend to talk through my thoughts with a few trusted friends.Armed with more knowledge about my process, I can now use my formula without second guessing myself so much. And here I am in my late 50s, making more money than ever before in the steepest downturn in the economy since the Great Depression and loving my work. I must be doing something right, at least for meIf you totenstill think having a long-range plan is better, consider this Harvard researchers found planners and spur-of-the-moment actors did no better in salary or position by mid-career.Discover how you make good career decisions, and continue to follow that formula. Thats the best way to succeed, as far as I can figure out.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Dental Hygienist Resume - What Is It?
Dental Hygienist Resume - What Is It? Lies Youve Been Told About Dental Hygienist Resume When you are in possession of a dental hygienist position open in your organization, youre trying to fill it with top talent as fast as possible. The strategy here is to compose your resume considering the way that it will be perceived by means of a dentist or an office manager. A last bit of advice for your dental hygienist resume As a dental hygienist, odds are high that youll be working in a dentists office alongside many other sorts of dental staff that are already utilized to working together. You wont be relying on someone else or the dentist that will help you carry out your duties, in reality, the individual meets you way before the dentist. You are going to have to learn new ways of doing things, and youll need to be in a position to explain them to patients. The individual wont always agree with your recommendations and its your responsibility to persuade them to. Youll also be asked to prepare the patients for dental therapy. You must find out how teeth develop, what it requires to keep them healthy, and what can be done in order to repair damage. You also inform your patients of methods to maintain and increase their oral well-being. After completing a job, you will need to make certain that the finer particulars of the patients teeth and gums are in good shape. Counseling and motivating patients to attain optimal oral health is among my passions. The Good, the Bad and Dental Hygienist Resume Continuing education experiences, if included, ought to be put in a distinct section. Alabama is the only state that doesnt require candidates to select the ADA written examination. State only skills which are relevant to the position applied for. When it comes to CNA classes, angeschlossen services supply you with all the crucial knowledge that will help you ace the written area of the certification exam, and a number of the far better programs out there even offer students chances to get practical clinical experience although not from home, obviously. It may also be beneficial to state the true company that youre applying to in your objective. All our products have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, so you may purchase with confidence. There are several ways to investigate specific dental practices. Maintained and sterilized dental equipment and tools. Life After Dental Hygienist Resume When you do, you wont need to doubt your abilities, instead youre going to be confident and use them the ideal way that you know. You must be organized so you may keep an eye on it all and know what things to do in various scenarios especially emergencies. You must keep the individual at ease. If a patient wont enable you to do what you should do, you are going to want to develop an alternate method of achieving the identical goal, and you will have to do it on the fly. The Advantages of Dental Hygienist Resume Dental employers, p articularly modest practice owners, are seeking a person special. For instance, dont just say that youre seeking full time employment at a wonderful dental office. You will need to deal with people throughout the job, so youve got to learn how to interact with them. Make certain to impress your possible employer by saying how you would do a great job when you have the position. What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Dental Hygienist Resume LinkedIn Here youll locate a URL to my online expert profile as a registered dental hygienist. To learn more on what it requires to be a Dental Hygienist, take a look at our complete Dental Hygienist Job Description. If this Dental Hygienist resume example was not sufficient for you, youre absolutely free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. Many dental hygienists believe they dont require a resume. You are my very first contact, for many factors. No matter the reason, you will need to have the ability to assimil ate and begin using new information quickly. Folks have a tendency to think theres a single way to lay out the information on their resumes. Keep it basic and provide all the crucial information theyll need to get in touch with you. A number of paragraphs on 1 page are lots. While its the shortest section the posting, its also one of the most significant. The skills section of your resume is an outstanding place to include keywords from the work description.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Who Else Wants to Learn About Workshop Resume Writing Job Readiness Life Skills?
Who Else Wants to Learn About Workshop Resume Writing Job Readiness Life Skills? How to Get Started with Workshop Resume Writing Job Readiness Life Skills? Additional eligibility requirements have to be met to get training grants. The aim of the Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) is to assist spouses and relatives gain the tools they should acquire suitable employment, establish career objectives, and maintain career progression. If youre interested in career training, you might qualify for funding to attend training. Equally extra-curricular activities may also demonstrate other beneficial skills like teamwork and communication skills, so make sure to mention it. A persons skill set is comprised of an assortment of personal skills that theyve acquired through education and employment. You might need a brief ice-breaker activity if role play isnt a technique commonly utilised in your classroom. Perhaps the fruchtwein essential life skill is the capacity to learn. Its vital that you tailor your resume to a work description. When it has to do with searching for work, you need to be creative Hell it doesnt even mean that you can secure work. Best tip Remember when youre applying for paralegal jobs youre competing with other experienced paralegals, therefore, you should stick out in the work search. At the close of the day, your passion, excitement, success and happiness is completely up to you and your mind-set. Write your complete name on the surface of the resume. Basically, it is a few sentences, typically located on top, that states why it is you are trying to find another job. The answer, obviously, is you cannot. The Battle Over Workshop Resume Writing Job Readiness Life Skills and How to Win It Successful professionals attempt to locate deficiencies in points of handover and boost collaboration and feedback. Students will also learn to apply an overall problem solving method to workplace scenarios. They will examine strengths and weaknesses they might have in inhabiting each of the roles. Thus, your students resumes have to be built for simple scanning, and formatted so that the most significant information stands out and is no problem to find. Before the workshop, participants will finish a 30 minute on-line career assessment. Time 21 days Materials Each participant is needed to maintain a journal. The Key to Successful Workshop Resume Writing Job Readiness Life Skills If youre a law graduate, make certain to mention it. Just because youve got an accounting degree doesnt mean youre an accountant. Life skills are a manner your students can differentiate from other qualified candidates if you are searching for work. Many students find it hard to properly sell their skills to a prospective employer.
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