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Saturday, December 28, 2019

12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse

12 Little Work Wins to Celebrate - The Muse12 Little Work Wins to CelebrateYou might be angling for a promotion this year. Or, awaiting news of a big, fat raise (champagnes on ice). Perhaps youre working toward an end-of-year bonus. Or, maybe youre really wishing the CEO will grant your request to attend that conference alongside her. These are all terrific endeavors, and you should work toward big goals, but its elend just the major work wins you should be pumped about- the many small milestones that occur in a given week or month are worth celebrating, too. These are also the things that can help lead to the bigger stuff. So, dont wait for your title to change or for your anfhrer to hand over a VIP account. Start recognizing the important work youre doing every day.Not sure where to start? Ahead, 12 career coaches on the little work wins thatre worth your attention. 1. Receiving PraiseWhen your client or colleague praises you for a job well done, its important to note. Save emails or jot down positive feedback said aloud. Use your list to reflect on in the future when its time to ask for a raise, or in your next interview when youre asked about your strengths.Emily Liou2. Meeting 30-Day GoalsAt the beginning of each month or quarter, I like to suggest clients devise a mini-challenge for themselves. One that they can get enthusiastic about is a 30-day sprint to complete a stretch assignment, such as learning a new skill like coding, or growing their network by sending one cold email to a new contact. Time-bounding professional-development goals leverage the power of small wins by making them concrete and measurable, and they also make it natural to appreciate your progress and celebrate. Melody Wilding3. Speaking UpWhether its to make a decision, ask a question, or contribute your area of knowledge to a conversation, speaking up is a valuable opportunity to be heard, and, as such, it should be recognized.Avery leer4. Being Asked for AdviceDid one of your colle agues specifically reach out for your take on something? They value your opinion Thats a big deal, even though I get that it may not necessarily feel that way in the moment. Remind yourself that they chose you, which speaks volumes about how youre viewed and how your contributions are impactful.Kelly Poulson5. Getting GratitudeReceiving positive feedback from clients or co-workers is always something to celebrate. When you get a thank you email, star it or label it so you can come back to it in a low moment and remember why you do what you do, even if the major accomplishment is one youre still waiting for.Melody Godfred6. Demonstrating EQIts a win any time you find a creative solution instead of giving in to a conflict with a co-worker. Arguing, butting heads, struggling with who gets the final say- ansicht practices are pointless, not to mention energy-sucking. Pat yourself on the back when you reach for emotional intelligence as a response.Alexandra Dickinson7. Hacking Productivi tyGiven how easy it is to get distracted and lose focus, if you discover a new productivity technique (no matter how small or seemingly insignificant) that results in increased concentration and self-discipline, its worth recording as a small win.Yuri Kruman8. Being AssertiveAsserting yourself, especially when its not a muscle you normally flex, is absolutely a cause for celebration. I personally jot these moments into a journal when they happen so that I can see my progress, and, more often than not, I do it while treating myself to a cupcake. Forming new habits is hard enough- it makes sense to recognize achievements with a sweet, little reward. Erica Breuer9. Presenting to OthersPresenting to your team (even if its just a couple of people) can be nerve-wracking, especially if its your first time. But the feeling afterward is awesome Its like a giant weight lifted off your shoulders after all that planning, preparation, and, finally, execution.Ryan Kahn10. Tackling a Tough TaskCro ssing off a challenging or unpleasant item on your to-do list feels pretty spectacular. I learned a long time ago that if you tackle your most dreaded tasks before anything else, youll sail through the rest of the day.Kristina Leonardi11. Feeling EnergizedMany report dreading going into work in the morning. All day they look forward to dashing out the door at 5 or 6 PM. Seriously, if this doesnt describe you, its cause to rejoice. You spend 40 or more hours a week at work- relish it if youre not miserable.Annie Nogg12. Helping OthersDid you support a colleague in getting her project off the ground? Did you provide some much-needed answers to a customer? What about contributing to the success of a larger project by giving your boss the requested data? When we step outside of ourselves and recognize how lending a hand can have a meaningful impact, we win. Loren MargolisWhat small milestones did you hit this week? Tweet me at stacespeaks- I want to celebrate with you Use the hashtag sm allwins

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